Book Title: "Quebrada" Author: Mariana Travacio Language: Spanish Book Publisher: Tusquets Pages: 184 Book Genre: Literary Novel ISBN: 09789876706681
Lina gathers courage and leaves. She departs with two canteens, a bundle of clothes, and some seeds given by the village healer. What Lina leaves behind is barren land: a broken land full of thorns scratching the wind. Her husband Relicario doesn't accompany her; he says that the dead should not be abandoned and lets her go. Thus begins this novel by Mariana Travacio, which moves, with a hypnotic cadence, through the upheavals and losses that migrations entail.
In the same desolate landscapes as "As If Forgiveness Existed," the story of this family explores the inexorable sense of destiny. The promises of a future and work. The yearning to see the sea. With her unique style, great narrative efficiency, and a delicate poetic violence, Travacio once again brings to life characters capable of building their own worlds, narrating a profoundly eloquent universe that is as present as it is ancestral.