
Ampara Textil - Andes Collection Delicate & Unique Handcrafted Pieces Made with Original People Communities Textiles - Uakata Necklace, Muyu Necklace & Barracan Bracelet - Barracan Serie

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  • Ampara Textil - Andes Collection Delicate & Unique Handcrafted Pieces Made with Original People Communities Textiles - Uakata Necklace, Muyu Necklace & Barracan Bracelet - Barracan Serie
  • Ampara Textil - Andes Collection Delicate & Unique Handcrafted Pieces Made with Original People Communities Textiles - Uakata Necklace, Muyu Necklace & Barracan Bracelet - Barracan Serie
  • Ampara Textil - Andes Collection Delicate & Unique Handcrafted Pieces Made with Original People Communities Textiles - Uakata Necklace, Muyu Necklace & Barracan Bracelet - Barracan Serie
  • Ampara Textil - Andes Collection Delicate & Unique Handcrafted Pieces Made with Original People Communities Textiles - Uakata Necklace, Muyu Necklace & Barracan Bracelet - Barracan Serie
  • Ampara Textil - Andes Collection Delicate & Unique Handcrafted Pieces Made with Original People Communities Textiles - Uakata Necklace, Muyu Necklace & Barracan Bracelet - Barracan Serie
  • Ampara Textil - Andes Collection Delicate & Unique Handcrafted Pieces Made with Original People Communities Textiles - Uakata Necklace, Muyu Necklace & Barracan Bracelet - Barracan Serie
  • Ampara Textil - Andes Collection Delicate & Unique Handcrafted Pieces Made with Original People Communities Textiles - Uakata Necklace, Muyu Necklace & Barracan Bracelet - Barracan Serie
US $189.42 & eligible for FREE Shipping on selected orders

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Colección AMPARA
Utilizamos textiles originales de los Andes argentinos. Todas las piezas están realizadas con textiles de comunidades originarias, Al comprar estas piezas estas colaborando directamente con su desarrollo. Trabajamos por la cultura sustentable y el objetivo es promover el bienestar económico, ambiental y social de nuestro país.
Nuestra colección está constituida por piezas únicas.

AMPARA Collection
We use original Andean argentine fabrics .All the pieces are made with original people communities textiles. Buying these work you directly collaborate with their development. We work with sustainable culture and our goal is to promote economic, environmental and social welfare
All are one of a kind pieces.
Serie Barracan/ Barracan set

  • 1A

Collar / Neckpiece
Barracan, bordado en hilo de seda, seda, terminal tejido en telar con
hilo de acero/ Barracan (Andean traditional textile), silk embroided,
silk, finding weaved with stainless steel thread
46 x 19 cm

  • 1C

Collar / Neckpiece
Barracan, bordado en hilo de seda, seda, terminal tejido con hilo de
acero/ Barracan (Andean traditional textile), silk embroided, silk,
finding knitted with stainless steel thread
30 x 19 cm

  • 1E

Brazalete / Bracelet
Barracan, bordado en hilo de seda, pieza de metal plateado /
Barracan (Andean traditional textile), silk embroided, silver plated
metal cuff
5 x 7 cm
El barracan es una tela que proviene del noroeste argentino, de las provincias de Salta y Jujuy. Allí la lana es hilada manualmente con huso, generalmente por mujeres, en sus colores naturales (blanco y marrón) o teñidos con tintes naturales. El tejido se realiza en telar criollo. Es un tejido, donde el diseño surge por el efecto del color entre trama y urdimbre.

Barracan fabric is original of argentine NO provinces of Salta and Jujuy.Barracan is a pure sheep wool fabric, hand spinned and weaved in manual loom. Two or three different natural colors (white and brown) or tinted with natural dyes threads of wool are used and from the combination of warp and weft result the design.

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