Receta dulce para el postre: Bombones de chocolate rellenos de dulce de leche
*English version below*Ingredientes:1. Chocolate negro en tableta (recomendamos Chocolate Águila)2. Paquete de galletitas de chocolate (recomendamos Chocolinas)3. Dulce de leche - puede ser La Serenísima, Vacalín, Vauquita, Havanna, Cachafaz, San Ignacio, Sancor, u otroEl dulce de leche también es conocido como arequipe (Colombia, Venezuela, Guatemala), cajeta (México), fanguito (Cuba), manjar (Chile, Panamá), manjar blanco (Perú) y manjar de leche (Ecuador).PASOS:Triturar la barra de chocolate
14th Oct 2021
One of the best desserts of the world: Chocotorta
We don’t know about you, but to try the best desserts
of the world is one of the most important things in our bucket list. That is
why today, we are going to explore the Chocotorta worldwide phenomenon.Chocotorta is a sweet, classic, Argentine no-bake
cake, super easy to make, and ideal for cooking beginners. It is made with just
three main ingredients, and only one of them is typical and %100 original from
Argentina. But before discussing how
simple and delicious it is, we are going to d
17th Aug 2021
Where to buy alfajores in the USA & Europe?
USA & EUROPE: Welcome to your source for Argentine products online! If you landed here because you already know about our delicious treats, let us tell you there’s always some new Argentinian candy to try out.It’s safe to say alfajores are one of Argentina’s most iconic delicacies. If you’ve never tried them, this is what you can expect: the most addictive mini cake ever. Best things about alfajores?1. THE VARIETY! There’s many different kinds of alfajores, so whatever your prefere
12th Jul 2021
Staying home VS Moving abroad: A love controversy
PICTURE THIS: You fell in love with a foreigner and you’re moving abroad. You’re dreading saying goodbye to friends and family. But there’s one more thing: you’re an Argentinian (or not, maybe you are just living there). Anyway, there’s something else that’s just as hard as starting over: LEAVING MATE & DULCE DE LECHE BEHIND.
That 's right! For someone who has tried the sweet taste of Argentine cookies, bizcochos and alfajores, food is not something to be taken lightly. And when it come
17th Jun 2021
How Dulce de Leche Was Born
There is a document in the National Historical Museum, in Argentina, that dates the invention of dulce de leche to 1829.
Juan Manuel de Rosas and his political enemy (and cousin brother) Juan Lavalle were about to meet to sign a pact of peace (Pact of Cañuelas) in Rosas' state, in the village of Cañuelas, just outside of Buenos Aires. Lavalle was the first to arrive and, fatigued, lay down on Rosas' cot and fell asleep.
Rosas' maid, while boiling milk with sugar (preparation known at that
18th Apr 2019