Custom made leather Imperial mate gourd. Handmade by local artisans.
In order to customize your Mate:
1) Add YOUR TEXT into the text field, as you want it to appear (spaces included). All letters will be accounted for as CAPITAL LETTERS.
2) Count the number of letters/characters you want to include and choose the correct NUMBER OF LETTERS/CHARACTERS (WITHOUT SPACES) category (1-6, 7-10 or 11-16), matching the text provided in the YOUR TEXT field.
EXAMPLE: I want to have my mate saying "Tom & Mary"
---> YOUR TEXT field: Tom & Mary
---> NUMBER OF LETTERS (WITHOUT SPACES): 7-10 (the text has 8 characters)
2 Reviews
Handmade and customized Imperial
I can't find the words to describe the quality of this product and, first of all, the good job of Pampa Direct in satisfying all my requests! They are so amazing!