Different kinds of Argentine alfajores
Alfajores are a traditional treat from Argentina, loved by Argentinians and known all over the world thanks to expats who travel and spread the country’s culture and traditions as they do. Although the concept of ‘alfajores’ is already well-known, the recipes vary depending on the province of Argentina that makes them. Look at all the different types of minicakes there are:ALFAJORES FROM MAR DEL PLATA, BUENOS AIRES PROVINCEA great example is the classic one from Havanna. Alfajores marplatenses a
24th Jun 2022
ALFAJORES: Datos curiosos sobre esta deliciosa tradicion Argentina
El alfajor es la golosina más popular de la República Argentina. Este producto típico de la pastelería del país está muy presente en el día a día. Lo vemos en los kioscos, en cumpleaños, en eventos y fiestas tradicionales. Existen miles de variedades del mismo producto, porque cada vez más pasteleros emprendedores se animan a modificar recetas y crear las propias. En esta nota, algunos datos que quizá no conocías sobre la merienda preferida de los argentinos:1. ORIGEN DE LA PALABRALa
18th Jan 2022
Marroc casero: receta para una merienda perfecta
*english version below*Ingredientes:
Chocolate negro Chocolate blanco (recomendamos Chocolate Águila) Mantequilla de maní (recomendamos Le Fit o Doña Magdalena)PASOS:
Derretir chocolate negro en un bowl y chocolate blanco en otro.Agregar mantequilla de maní al chocolate blanco derretido y mezclar.Distribuir el chocolate negro en pequeños moldes.Dejar enfriar en la heladera por 5 minutos.Agregar a cada molde una capa de la mezcla de chocolate blanco y mantequilla de maní.Dejar enfriar otros 5 m
1st Dec 2021
One of the best desserts of the world: Chocotorta
We don’t know about you, but to try the best desserts
of the world is one of the most important things in our bucket list. That is
why today, we are going to explore the Chocotorta worldwide phenomenon.Chocotorta is a sweet, classic, Argentine no-bake
cake, super easy to make, and ideal for cooking beginners. It is made with just
three main ingredients, and only one of them is typical and %100 original from
Argentina. But before discussing how
simple and delicious it is, we are going to d
17th Aug 2021
Where to buy alfajores in the USA & Europe?
USA & EUROPE: Welcome to your source for Argentine products online! If you landed here because you already know about our delicious treats, let us tell you there’s always some new Argentinian candy to try out.It’s safe to say alfajores are one of Argentina’s most iconic delicacies. If you’ve never tried them, this is what you can expect: the most addictive mini cake ever. Best things about alfajores?1. THE VARIETY! There’s many different kinds of alfajores, so whatever your prefere
12th Jul 2021