INDIO Yerba Mate is produced by a small family-owned company led by Hugo Friedemberge, which is part of an association of 13 dryers that use the traditional Barbacuá drying system in Oberá, the central area of the Misiones province.
Drying Method: Barbacuá
The Barbacuá system is an ancestral practice that, with the technical support of the Oberá Rural Extension Agency of INTA, through the project "Rescue and valorization of yerba mate produced by small producers in the central area of the Misiones province using barbacuá dryers as a differentiated product," led to the organization of producers, improving their plantations, the supply of firewood, and the processing system, preserving identity, generating value, and promoting differentiation from other yerba mate brands.
INDIO has unique characteristics, such as its flavor and aroma. It does not contain pesticides, herbicides, artificial flavorings, or artificial aromas.