
Buy cream cheese and other fresh products from Argentina in the United States

Looking to buy dairy products from Argentina in the USA? Would you like to prepare Argentine empanadas or sándwich de miga in the States?

You can find fresh products from Argentina at Pampa Direct. This online platform works like an Argentine supermarket and offers worldwide shipping of typical South American products. Among the best-selling items are: alfajores -also known as ‘mini cakes’- (Havanna, Cachafaz, Fantoche, Capitan del Espacio, Jorgito, Guaymallén, Águila, etc.), dulce de leche (La Serenísima, SanCor, Milkaut, Vacalin, Ser, Vauquita), biscuits & cookies (Chocolinas, Opera, Terrabusi, Cerealitas, Club Social, etc.), candy (Flynn Paff, Sugus, Palitos de la Selva, Paraguitas, Bazooka, etc.) and yerba mate (Playadito, Mañanita, Cruz de Malta, Taragui, La Tranquera, Unión, Verdeflor, Amanda, Anna Park, etc).

In addition to food-related products, Pampa Direct also ships books in Spanish, board games, Argentine cotillon, grills to prepare Argentine asado (the country’s well known barbecue), hygiene and cleaning products and kitchen accessories (such as molds to make empanadas or churreras to cook some delicious churros filled with dulce de leche).

Heard about the latest news? Exclusive shipping to the United States. Creamy, spreadable cheese from brands such as Cremón, Por Salut, Casancrem and Mendicrim, pan de miga (special bread) to prepare typical Argentine sandwiches, tapas de empanadas La Salteña, and other fresh products are available for North America.


If you are looking for a product that’s not published at Pampa Direct, don’t hesitate to contact us so we can get it for you.

1st Mar 2023

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