Mate: Argentina’s National and Traditional Drink
What’s a mate?Mate is a caffeinated beverage that comes from the Ilex Paraguariensis plant - also known as yerba mate, which is a variant of the word ‘hierba’ (herb). It is a healthy beverage that has proved to have many benefits for the human mind and body.On the surface, that would be a good mate description. But it goes much deeper than that, for beyond being a very popular infusion in Argentina, mate has become a symbol of Argentine culture and identity. It is a daily ritual for most people
20th May 2022
What is mate and how professional Argentinians prepare and drink it.
Mate has always been considered a basic need for Argentinians. It is a traditional South American drink that’s also very common in Uruguay, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay and southern Brazil, as well as in Syria and some parts of Lebanon. South Americans themselves don’t go a day without drinking it. Yet nowadays, with more people from these countries moving abroad, the tradition has been spreading throughout the world and foreigners from North America, Europe, Asia, Oceanía and even Africa enjoy this
5th Oct 2021