Datos curiosos sobre la yerba mate
¿De dónde viene la yerba mate? ¿Qué significa la palabra ‘mate’? ¿Cuánto mate consumen los argentinos? Y otras preguntas comunes, respondidas en esta nota.El origen de la yerba mateEl nombre científico de la yerba mate es Ilex Paraguariensis. Se trata de un árbol nativo de la Selva Misionera -también conocida como Selva Paranaense- que, en estado silvestre, alcanza una altura de entre 12 y 16 metros. Dentro del monte, la yerba funciona como el alimento de varias especies de aves raras y en
6th Dec 2021
How to prepare Argentine mate
Mate, Matecito, Verdes, Amargos, Matienzos, Matezulis, Matiolos. These are only some of the nicknames people use for mate.Now… How does Messi and other people in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and other countries in South America prepare this infusion? Today we are going to teach you how to brew a good mate in only 5 steps.Although it’s true that each mate drinker goes by their own rules, there are some steps you need to follow so that the mate’s flavor isn’t altered. This is the best technique to d
8th Nov 2021
Jugadores de fútbol que toman mate y NO son argentinos
Este brebaje amargo de origen sudamericano es muy común en el ambiente del fútbol. Cada vez aparecen más deportistas que toman mate y muchos de estos no son Argentinos. Pero, ¿conviene tomar mate antes de entrenar? ¡Sí! El mate es considerado un nootrópico dadas sus características estimulantes y energizantes. Los médicos recomiendan tomarlo previo a un entrenamiento, asegurando que el rendimiento deportivo de la persona aumentará hasta en un 5%. Esto se debe a los beneficios que esta infusión
25th Oct 2021
What is mate and how professional Argentinians prepare and drink it.
Mate has always been considered a basic need for Argentinians. It is a traditional South American drink that’s also very common in Uruguay, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay and southern Brazil, as well as in Syria and some parts of Lebanon. South Americans themselves don’t go a day without drinking it. Yet nowadays, with more people from these countries moving abroad, the tradition has been spreading throughout the world and foreigners from North America, Europe, Asia, Oceanía and even Africa enjoy this
5th Oct 2021
Avoid these 5 fatal mistakes when drinking mate
If you are a bit familiar with this South American tradition or have been drinking mate for a while, you may have probably heard there are certain rules to be followed if you want to be considered a true mate drinker.But before we delve into that -> QUICK RECAP: What is mate?This is an Argentinian organic infusion that comes from yerba mate (Ilex Paraguariensis), a native tree from South America. This caffeine-rich drink is made of yerba and hot water, and is drunk through a metal straw
23rd Aug 2021